or paper
or scissors
and add your player name in one of the files linked below:
by smashing them upbeats
by chopping them upbeats
by somehow covering it up or somethingrock-paper-scissors
git clone
to true
from your chosen file and add your
git add _data/weapon-of-choice.ymlwhere file is your choice (e.g. rock). This 'stages' the file which tells git 'Hey, I think this file is ready to be saved' read more)
git commit -m "Added my weapon of choice"which tells git 'Yep, go ahead and save this on my machine, and here's a handy reminder of what I've done'
git pushwhich tells git 'Now push those changes onto github for the whole world to see'
git pullyou've pulled Speedy Gonzalez' changes into your repository
bud-1-username to see who won!